Logbook Services


Logbook servicing is an important part of taking care of your vehicle. It not only takes care of standard routine maintenance such as oil changes and filters, but it also takes a closer look at your vehicle to make sure there are no underlying issues.

Sometimes, a vehicle may have a minor problem that the owner won’t notice until it becomes a major problem. By then, it is much more difficult (and often expensive) to handle than if it had been taken care of before it escalated. Having regular logbook servicing is one way to ensure your vehicle continues running at its very best, so you can feel confident when you take it out on the road.


The standard recommendation for logbook servicing is to perform this form of maintenance every 10,000km, or every six months, whichever comes sooner. This ensures that all issues are taken care of as soon as possible, since most serious problems with the engine or other major components will begin to show within that time frame. This also ensures that your filters and other parts that need frequent replacements are kept up-to-date, along with oil changes and tyre rotations.

Our team are experts in performing logbook servicing, so you can rest assured that you’re getting top-notch service from the pros. We’ll give your car a thorough inspection and perform all routine maintenance needed to ensure proper function. Additionally, we’ll do it at a more affordable rate than our competitors. We even guarantee a 10% lower price than our cheapest competitor—without sacrificing service.

Call Liberty Buderim–NJT Mechanical today to schedule your logbook servicing appointment.


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